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readFromURL(String) - Static method in class LocalURLReader
Used to get text from a specific url
readFromURL(String) - Static method in class URLReader
USed to get text from a specific url
refresh() - Method in class SimulatorWindow
reinitialize() - Method in class Simulator
redrawing the body
release - Variable in class AboutPanel
repaint(Graphics) - Method in class ControlPanel
Repainting method
rightBumperPressed() - Method in class XboxControl
Used to know if right bumper is pressed
rotate(double) - Method in class Body
used to rotate it in one place
rotate(double) - Method in class CoordinateSystem
rotate(double) - Method in class Legs
Used to rotate legs
run() - Method in class ControlPanelJframe
run() - Method in class LocalServer
Runnable methods for a runnable class.
run() - Method in class Xbox
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