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getDpadX() - Method in class XboxControl
used to get dpadx value
getDpadY() - Method in class XboxControl
used to get dpadY value
getLeftTrigger() - Method in class XboxControl
used to get left trigger value
getLeftX() - Method in class XboxControl
Used to get leftX Value
getLeftY() - Method in class XboxControl
Used to get leftY value
getRightTrigger() - Method in class XboxControl
used to get right trigger value
getRightX() - Method in class XboxControl
Used to get right x value
getRightY() - Method in class XboxControl
used to get right y value
getX() - Method in class Body
returnx x coordinate of the body
getX() - Method in class Legs
used to return x coordinates for the leg
getY() - Method in class Body
returns y coordinate of the body
getY() - Method in class Legs
used to return y coordinates for the leg
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